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Why Kazakhstan?
Would your family be a good match for a child from Kazakhstan? The children adopted from Kazakhstan are typically well cared for, healthy, and culturally diverse. Kazakhstan is a large Eurasian country situated south of Russia and West of China. Children are ethnically Kazakh-Asian, showing some Asian features, and the influence of several other Eurasian cultures. Children in need of families are aged 6 months and older. Children are able to come home to their new families in less than 6 months from Dossier submission. With the right motivation for paperwork gathering, an adoption from Kazakhstan can take as little as nine or ten months!
The Process of Adoption from Kazakhstan

Step 1: Application
Submit an application to Heritage Adoption Services. An application may be received by request via phone at 503-233-1099, or email: [email protected]. You may also download an application from our website here Kazakhstan application. If you would like to speak or meet with the Kazakhstan program coordinator, she is happy to talk with you over the phone or set up a personalized information session.
Step 2: Home Study & Dossier Preparation
Your home study will be written by a social worker from a licensed agency; Heritage Adoption Services will be happy to write it if you live in Oregon or Washington! In order to write a home study, your agency will need several documents from you including birth certificates, physician’s letters, etc. These documents will be collected and submitted to Kazakhstan to back-up your Home Study. Heritage will have your dossier documents apostilled (certified) with you home study before it is submitted to Kazakhstan.
Step 3: Dossier Submission
Gathering the Dossier paperwork usually takes families a few months, but you may do some of this at your own pace. Once your Dossier paperwork and home study are complete, and you have BCIS (Immigration) approval, your Dossier will be submitted to Kazakhstan for translation, registration, and the “referral” of a child that will match your family.

Step 4: ReferralA ‘referral’ of a child typically includes photos, any available medical and social information, and occasionally a video. For all international adoptions this information is passed along to you as soon as it is received by Heritage. Heritage recommends that you have a pediatrician, as well as other specialists as needed, review the materials you are given. You may then choose to commit to that particular child, ask for more information, or look at another child’s information. For adoptions from Kazakhstan, official referrals are not made until the family is in Kazakhstan. If you have questions about the ‘referral’ process in Kazakhstan, please call Kim. Information on a child usually arrives in 2 – 6 months of Dossier submission.
Step 5: TravelPermission for travel to complete the adoption happens once the commitment paperwork is received. Travel usually occurs within 6 weeks of referral acceptance. Completing the adoption in Kazakhstan usually takes 3-4 weeks including; a required 14-day bonding period, court and visa appointments, and a court mandated waiting period. No travel outside Kazakhstan is required. Children adopted from Kazakhstan are usually automatically citizens upon entering the United States, because both parents see and interact with the child before court dates & visa appointments in Kazakhstan. Step 6: Post PlacementOnce you are home and settled, contact Heritage to schedule a post placement visit. There will be four of these visits, one at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years after coming home. These reports are a crucial step in the finalization of your adoption. They are forwarded on to the Kazakhstan government, so that they can see how well their children are being cared for!

Who is eligible to adopt from Kazakhstan?
Applicants must be between the ages of 25 and 55 years, have been married for two years, and be able to obtain an approving home study and BCIS approval. Single women may adopt from Kazakhstan as well, and there is currently no quota system for single applicants.

Why are children in orphanagesin Kazakhstan?
Children who end up in the orphanages of Kazakhstan are typically abandoned at the hospital, often at birth. Abandonment at the hospital often means that minimal birthparent history is available. We may know a child’s birthmother’s name, and possibly about the child’s medical history from birth. These children are usually abandoned due to poverty, or the birth family’s realization that they are unable to parent a particular child.
How much does it cost to adopt from Kazakhstan?
All predetermined costs of adoption from Kazakhstan are laid out in the following section. Fees are typical for Russian/Eastern European adoptions. Costs vary depending on time of year traveling and specific adoption situation. Please inquire for more details regarding costs and payment. Heritage Adoption Services is committed to helping you with the difficult paperwork process international adoptions require. You will notice that our fees include services for document certification (apostil ling) and registration; services Heritage is happy to take care of so that you do not have to worry about them.
Heritage Adoption Services Fee Schedule
Please contact Kim for the Kazakhstan Program Fees.

Heritage Adoption Services is excited to help you build your family. We believe that every child is entitled to a heritage of love and devotion. Our mission is to create successful adoptions that last forever. We are committed to helping families complete their adoption journeys and we are always just a phone call or email away.
For more information email [email protected] or call (503) 233-1099